Data Sharing Opt-Out

Data Sharing Opt-Out options
There were two ways in which a patient can opt out of sharing their personal information:
The first way, known as a Type 1 opt-out, prevents information being shared outside a GP practice for purposes other than direct care. Type 1 opt-outs were introduced in 2013, and if you've already opted out, you don't need to do it again.
To register your opt-out preference please download this form Type 1 Opt-Out Form, fill it out and bring it to the Surgery. Alternatively please collect a form from the Surgery.
The second type of opt out strangely, isn't called a Type 2 Opt-Out. Rather, it's called a National Data Opt-Out this allows NHS Digital to collect your GP data and use it internally, but it stops NHS Digital from sharing that data with any other organisations, such as independent research bodies.
To find out more or to register to opt out, please visit - Your Data Matters.
Patients can also make or change a choice relating to their personal Data by phoning the NHS Digital Contact Centre. The phone number is 0300 303 5678 - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).